About BERG
Established in 2011, BERG (the Belonging and Ethnicity Research Group) at Bangor emerged from the existing clusters of research on 'communities' and 'minority cultures and identity' within the School of Social Sciences. The aim of the group is to help coordinate and promote research on these themes at Bangor. Although BERG's origins are in the School of Social Sciences, its purpose is also to connect researchers with similar interests from a variety of academic disciplines (for example, history, languages, creative studies) thus furthering research across disciplinary boundaries. BERG also promotes research in the areas of belonging and ethnicity, in partnership with other research initiatives such as the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). BERG pursues its activities through funded research, publications and the hosting of events such as seminars and conferences.
Contact: berg@bangor.ac.uk
Current Members of BERG include:
Dr Nathan Abrams
Nathan Abrams is Senior Lecturer in Film Studies within the School of Creative Studies and Media at Bangor. His current research falls into three key areas: Jews, Jewishness and Judaism in Popular Culture; Public Intellectuals and American Culture; and Research into the Jewish Diasporic communities in Europe with a particular emphasis on Scotland and Wales.
View Nathan's official staff webpage
Dr Sally Baker
Sally Baker is a Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences at Bangor. She has published widely on the sociology of education, while at present her research is primarily concerned with two broad areas, national identity and neoliberal welfare reform. Sally's work has led her to an interest in French social theory, particularly the work of Pierre Bourdieu. She is currently working on new applications and developments of Bourdieusian sociology.
View Sally's official staff webpage
Professor Howard Davis
Howard Davis is Professor of Social Theory and Institutions in the School of Social Sciences. His research interests include: Social theories of culture and creativity; cultural formations and transitions in post-Soviet societies; social implications of new technologies; the formation of social identities at local, national and international levels; research methods for the sociological analysis of culture, media and communications.
View Howard's official staff webpage
Dr Andrew Edwards
Andrew Edwards is Lecturer in Modern History within the School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology. His research interests include Labour party history, the history of political and constitutional change, the history of Welsh nationalism and oral history.
View Andrew's official staff webpage
Dr Lucy Huskinson
Lucy Huskinson is Lecturer in Philosophy and Psychology of Religion. Her research interests are in the areas of psychoanalysis; philosophy; religious experience and mental health; and myth.
View Lucy's official staff webpage
Dr Llion Iwan
Llion Iwan is Lecturer in the School of Creative Studies and Media at Bangor. His research interests include conflict reporting and the literary responses to the 9/11 wars. Prior to taking up a post at Bangor University he worked as a journalist and director with the BBC for ten years, and his PhD examined the influence of the documentary film director.
View Llion's official staff webpage
Dr Robin Mann
Robin Mann is WISERD Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at Bangor. His current research interests in the School and with WISERD are in the areas of nationalism, identities and ethnicity. In particular he has published widely on Welsh and English identities; localities and local civil society in Wales; and grandparents and intergenerational relationships.
View Robin's official staff webpage
Dr Helena Miguélez-Carballeira
Helena Miguélez-Carballeira is Lecturer in Spanish in the School of Modern Languages at Bangor. Her research interests include nation, gender and sexualities; and translation in non-state cultures.
View Helena's official staff webpage
Dr Marcel Stoetzler (School of Social Sciences)
Marcel Stoetzler is a Lecturer in Sociology at Bangor University. He works on social and political theory, intellectual history and historical sociology, and has lately concentrated on various aspects of modern antisemitism, especially its interconnections with liberalism and nationalism, as well as the emergence of the discipline of sociology. He is also interested in, and has previously published on, problems of feminism, critical theory ('Frankfurt School'), Hannah Arendt, and Marx.